Saturday, August 29, 2015

Trumpelstiltskin in Space

“Please, Barak O’Bama, let me go back to Earth and I will show with good works how much I repent of being a jerk.”
                “Trumplelstiltskin, I thought you were dumb but I didn’t know you were crazy.   I ain’t even got started on you …”
                Just then Trumpelstiltskin jumped off of heaven and into space.  Luckily the golden strands upon his head caught the attention of gravity and pulled him away.  Barak O’Bama saw this and commanded gravity to cease and desist but gravity didn’t pay him no mind.  He tried vetoing it but that didn’t work either.  So Trumpelstiltskin was laughing in space and sticking out his tongue some more at Barak O’Bama.
                Gravity isn’t real fast from so far away so Trumpelstiltskin seemed to float around for quite awhile which gave him plenty of time to contemplate the error of his ways.   Unable to find it, he returned to thoughts of satisfying his ever-growing hunger for baby Mexicans.
                Then a planet appeared beneath Trumpelstiltskin and he knew that soon he would be around good food again.  Trumpelstiltskin’s golden strands blossomed out into a parachute and he gently touched down in a red wasteland.
                “Shit,” he thought, “this must be Mars.”  Then he brightened.   “But everyone here will be an alien and taste great!”
                Then a Martian flew up to Trumpelstiltskin and said in a German accent, “Your passport please.”
                Trumpelstitskin said, “$$$K you.   I don’t need a stupid passport to come here.  I’m heaven sent.”
                Then a customs official Martian crawled over and said, ”Trumpelstiltskin, you are an illegal alien.  Stop raping everybody.”
                So then Trumplestitskin got really mad and sat on the customs official.
                The customs official said, “Let’s make a deal.”
to be continued...


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