Friday, August 14, 2015

Unbearably Small

In a thinly disguised attempt to learn the number of Florida males with subnormal dicks, the State of Florida has begun issuing bear hunting permits.   Personally I never put any stock in the correlation some people draw between jacked-up cars, hunting, telescopes and this natural distinction.  Until  Field and Stream Magazine started inexplicably appearing in my mailbox monthly.  On perusal I noticed every issue has four solid pages of  dick enlargement ads.   Subsequent research showed this to be a revenue base common to hunting magazines. 
            So,I thought, some men compensate by reading hunting magazines.  I don’t know if they pose with this reading material to appear to have a bigger penis or if it’s the reading that supplies the desired increase.  To further complicate the matter, just reading a hunting magazine does not prove your dick is small.  Perhaps some feel inadequate in spite of their already large lower proboscis and wish to lug around a giant one.
            Of course many men hunt who own a regular dick but probably their inspiration to hunt comes from elsewhere than a magazine.  And mostly they don’t care to shoot a bear because they already own and love a. dog and they know there is precious little difference. 
            It looks like for once the government is onto something.  Their data will have some substance.  What they plan to do with it, who knows?  But if you find yourself about to buy a bear killing permit, you might want to reconsider.  Is that a list you really want to be on?      

1 comment:

  1. Ted Nugent, Grate American, has a dick so tiny he's coming all the way from where ever he keeps his dick to Florida to kill one of our magical black bears.( Ursus Floriaduhus Cialis-us.) . Can you imagine the amazing manly girthiness resulting from shooting both the Florida black bear, known for their size, and the critically endangered Florida panther known for their rarity. Aliese Priddy, FWC vice chairman, cattle rancher, and Ave Maria resident and official, has written an FWC policy memo declaring the panther is now a nuisance animal encroaching on rancher's profits, panther preservation efforts are misguided, and that this new policy and the fact that panthers have eaten her tasty cattle is in no way a conflict of interest. Ave Maria! Can open season on Florida panthers be far behind? Come on down to Florida...Go for the girth!
