Tuesday, January 18, 2022



Now we have Ron Insanitis wishing he hadn't licked donald Trump over quite as much of his body as he did during the election. What kind of loyalty is that?!? And by the way, don't we want a so-called leader to make a good choice in the first place, not whine about how he's sorry he didn't?

Thursday, January 06, 2022

count your blessings

I don't understand the uproar. Why would you want to see or hear from him? Because he's the governor??? And we the people need some kind of official leadership whatever the *&%# it is? Some authority figure to appear before us and instill confidence in the future? Remind us that anti-nature bigots still can run the show? That doesn't mean he's not a braying jackass who has nothing to say worth hearing. Just be grateful for small favors. They're getting smaller all the time