Thursday, August 27, 2015

Trumpelstiltskin Meets his Maker

‘Trumpelstiltskin was surprised to see Barak O’Bama in Heaven. He said, “Barak O’Bama, why do I keep having your children.   Just cut it out, Barak O’bama.”
“Yo Trumpelstiltskin, shutuppayou mouth when you're up here.   When you were alive, you thought I was just  El Presidente of those United States of Unamerican Activities.  That’s just the best I could do down there.  As you can see, this is my day job.  If you think I gave you some shit before, just think what I can do now.”
                Trumpelstiltskin stuck out his tongue.  “Barak O’Bama, you can’t do anything to me because I already made it here.”
                “Really, Trumpelstiltskin, is that what you think?  Maybe you’re here because I requested you.”
                So then Barak O’Bama drew a curtain.   Behind it stood Mickey Rooney with a skunk spraying him eternally.  Barak O’Bama said, “I hated The Atomic Kid.”

                Then Trumpelstiltskin started getting nervous.  

"Trumpelstiltskin, you've been an incredible jerk your whole life.  You either have to sincerely repent or pay the consequences."

Will  Trumpelstiltskin repent??  Stay tuned

1 comment:

  1. He'll probably declare moral bankruptcy to avoid paying his "debts" like he usually does, and fly away with Rooney's skunk mating with that thing on his head.
