It occurs to me I never have liked demics – academics, epidemics, and covid-19 ain't the only pandemic – there's the cyberdemic, going viral for quite some time – been known to suck people's brains right out their head, in extreme cases replacing it with a solid mass called blockhead, also associated with peanuts. When's the CDC going to deal with that? We're engulfed in a polidemic, infected people unable to think so they practice thinking by thinking about politics and sometimes this builds up and spews out and we all have to hear it, about the Republican'ts and the Demic-rats and this is how it spreads, no mask can stop it; and it's horrible, aiggh, the horror. There's the policedemic spreading slowly and insidiously among the masses masquerading as an antidote to crime, wealth the only truly effective vaccine. If we must have a pandemic, give me a frying pandemic and some good old breaded shiners. Or some frying pandemonium. That's all I need. I suggest some new demics – how about a fundemic just for a start – why can't we ever get one of those? WelI, I suppose if we ever did, they'd get that under control right quick.
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