Tuesday, September 08, 2020


I figured out what it is about Donald Trump that some people like: he doesn't patronize the general public with the illusion that we mean something to the government beyond supplying the labor. He doesn't put a happy face on governmemt. He puts the ugly face on it that fits it.

Peaceful protests are supposed to be allowed in this country to show we have freedom. Show the whole damn world that we're free to walk around in the street and wave our opinion around. Yeeha! With a permit of course. Protests are a valve that lets off steam so we don't get too riled up and rebel. Trump sees a peaceful protest in Washington and he says I have a Bible in my hand so get the %#@& out of my way and has them tear gassed. People are then appalled at this violation of our right to protest. But that's not what it was. It was a demonstration that we have no such right. If we did, we wouldn't have undemocratic elections. We can't even protest with our ballot.

We are taught to revere the war dead and the government pays lip service to this concept – not because it reveres the war dead but because this puts a good face on more war dead for the next time. Governments care more about the dead than the living. So much so that they specilaize in making one out of the other wholesale. But hey – here's a medal for you. All this tomb of the unknown soldier and stuff – it's to keep us lining up for more. Donald Trump just doesn't get that war is a sacred cow. He apparently doesn't care if the myth gets perpetuated or not. He says dead soldiers are losers and suckers. What part of that is inaccurate? They took the bait. If this viewpoint could get out there and grow, why it might be the first baby step toward that much- advertised dream of ending war. But right now, even by thoughtful people, these opinions are seen as damning. Yep. It's all well and good to be “liberal” as long as you keep that sabre rattling. We don't want too much truth.

Of course this is all common sense to the common folk. We just never heard it from a president before. Doesn't make him a great man or a good president or even a terrific pedophile but it may be the key to his appeal – why it didn't hurt him to diss John McCain. I don't expect to miss Trump – I certainly hope I don't – but I think there are some things about him I'll miss.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I agree with this completely.
