Tuesday, April 26, 2016

reporting from the vast wasteland

May the Good Lord deliver me from local news. I admit it was my fault.  I didn't turn it on but I paused in front of it long enough to hear some white woman reporter treating the fact that someone was killed driving their car under a truck like it was fiction.  Such exciting enunciation!  Then she says, "It's a story you'll only see on WESH!"  Woohoo! I'm in. I ain't touchin that dial.   That's all it is to her, a damn story, so what if lives are shattered, loved ones lost.  It's entertaining.  It's great!! Probably thinks it's pretty hilarious when people get decapitated.   Next thing I saw was a black woman with an orange jacket on so she doesn't get hit by a car all excited showing us where it happened.  The very spot!  So callous reporters come in all colors.  I just have to say, What the Hell is wrong with these people?  Did they have any upbringing at all?   They probably didn't, they're not mean people, they just don't know any better.  


  1. Yep. My favorite is the mic and closeup of the wailing sobbing gagging parent who just lost a child...We all gotta see that...over and over and over More retching and snot at 11!

  2. That's their five minutes of fame
