Tuesday, January 19, 2016

the voice of reason

Dear Trumpelstiltskin -

Why are you so fat? Do you want to explode next to a terrorist cell? Do you like to fart? I do. How come I don't have much to say? How about this – Why did you say mean things about my brother George? Come on Trumpelstiltskin, don't be mean. Put my thunder back where you got it from. I'm supposed to be the one everybody's arguing with. Let me be president. Out of millions of families in this great land of ours, why shouldn't three of them come from the same one?  That really proves anybody can grow up to be president.   Why are you so tall, Trumpelstiltskin? You're supposed to be tiny. Stop hurting everybody's feelings, Trumpelstiltskin. Think a different way. Then we can be friends and play together in the billionaire's garden of life.



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