Just talking business over hot drinks in a 7-11/ Dunkin Donuts with an articulate, thoughtful guy I recently met who after ten minutes already has revealed a non religious, spiritual view of God, supported by belief in a higher power, no clue what form it would take. He also believes time to be a man-made item and only "now" exists, past and future mere illusions; all thought provoking stuff indicating intelligence(for a human) and one who exalts the level of his thinking to concepts of a high order. Enter politics. He chanced to say he dislikes our first Irish president. I asked him why.
"He wants to dismantle the country."
Again I ask why.
"Look at his father."
"He's a Muslim communist. His mother's white and she's a Muslim communist."
"I thought he's only seen his father one time."
"He wrote a book called
Through the Eyes of my Father. He's spent a lot of time with him."
Ever since the advent on the public stage of The World's Stupidest White Man (there is a race of blue people living inside automobile gas tanks, rumored to all be stupider than Ronald Reagan but skepticism is running high and none has been interviewed yet for the job), I have observed a pattern: People can discourse on a variety of subjects coherently but let them stray into the political zone and they turn into baboons with diarrhea on the dinner table. I'm still not sure if politics makes people stupid, renders them temporarily insane or if it's such an intrinsically stupid area that one cannot speak about it intelligently. The chilling fact is, my views on the matter probably sound just as dumb to him.