Tuesday, November 03, 2020


 Watch the bar. It keeps dropping. Used to be people said, "Anybody'd be better than George Bush." Now it's "Anything's better than Trump." That's our new democratic process. That's how we choose pur president. Put a Republican in who makes the next guy look good. Just keep lowering the bar. What could be more American? Kids are told anybody can be president in the U.S. and darned if it ain't so. (anybody but a strong people's advocate like Ralph Nader, Eugene McCarthy or Bernie Sanders). Next it'll be anything's better than Biden and so it will go God only knows where. You would think Trump is the crud on the bottom of the barrel but best not to underestimate the force of gravity.

President should be the grreatest American we've got. Not the worst. Sharpest tool in the shed, not the dullest. It shouldn't be terribly hard to select a group of such individuals and draft one of them into service. He/she doesn't want the job, too bad. If this country can draft rabble into battle, then it should at least draft elite for government. Then the rest of us can just get on with our lives. sometimes monarchy desn't seem like such a bad idea. They got 'em side by side in England and it was the elected guy who got sucked into bombing Iraq.

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