Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Apparently the White House Chief of Staph is also stupid. As is anyone at this point who fails to recognize the deliberate role of the media in the perpetration and perpetuation of civilian mass killings as well as the time-honored government sanctioned ones. It's a form of random capital punishment they call capitalism. There it is – the demon unmasked. Again. Why is the outcry still and forever misdirected?   They do say love is blind.


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    It seems as though its almost commonplace. I never understood homeschooling until now. Not that im all for it but now instead of a firedrill or a bombscare...the schools are teaching our children what to do if a phyco with a. Weapon of war declares one on thier school! Will the insanity ever stop? I guess thats a good thing, nuy.........

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Cont. From yesterday.....while at work today we had a saftey plan talk! Yep you betcha....about the safest place to be or go if a gunman was in our facility. "STOP THE WORLD...I WANNA GET OFF!"

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Everything is a lie in this day and age...just look at our president... the jokes on us..and someone should tell mr huge that free is free! And goodbye is goodbye.
