Sunday, April 14, 2019

strike three

In our computer age avalanche of good things driven asunder by craven trends, there goes the bowling alley, one anyway. The closing of Orlando's Brunswick Lanes – a cool, dark, happy cave where body English and body language are the only signs of anguish; where anybody regardless of size or ability can drop a bowl onto the lane and watch it roll, 'cause it's all downhill; where the cannonballs have finger holes and the only hunt is hunting up a beer or a ball with holes to fit your hand; where the only relevant sounds are laughter and the crashing of colored balls against terrified white pins. Where the best sight is those pins suddenly disappearing in a clamor only to rise again. It's Easter all day every day. Was. For sure “was” will beat what will be. And that is the acid test for progress.


  1. Anonymous12:36 AM

    We are quickly approaching the top of the tower of babal! So neither what was nor what is nor what tom may hold is important. Cherish the gift of being alive to wish we had back what was!

    1. Anonymous1:13 AM

      Oops..i am certainly not a robot. Sorry to double dip!

  2. Anonymous1:11 AM

    All signs seem to prove that we(as a species) are quickly headed to the top! Of the tower of babal that is! Bigger... better..faster...more!!
