Monday, October 01, 2018

redefining Terms for the New Age

In revealing the address of the Kavanaugh hearing as Hell, Lindsay Graham granted us all a sigh of relief. And why would he lie? He's a United States senator. Not so bad after all, Hell. Seen lots of worse Earthly places. You live in Iraq or Syria awhile, you finally get killed, you're an evil bastard and you go to the United States Senate. On the whole, a bit of an upgrade. Sure it's tedious as Hell, but no fire, brimstone or dinky Rosie O'Donnells prodding you with pitchforks. Might just be worth it.

Kavanaugh himself gave us a light look at the “destroyed family.” Case in point his. Doesn't fit my outdated idea of destroyed but the times they are a changin'. Seems to me they're all still there, his daughters now imbued with a reason to take Karate to bypass debating certain subjects at school; it's all good and could come in mighty handy someday at a party. If their dad is an honest man as advertised, and his children know, he will apprise them of his innocence and they will believe him, as does his wife already. His family will rally 'round him stronger than ever, cemented by a common enemy and martial art.
I now find myself in need of a new word to describe a family with members blown up, shot or killed by natural cataclysm, destroyed having been conscripted for more lofty circumstances. Obliviated? Annihilated? Collateral? How about decommissioned.

His senate hearing is Kavanaugh's idea of a circus. Apparently he never was taken to the circus when a child. He always wanted to go and here is his chance to believe he has. “This is a circus!” he cries at long last.  It's nothing like a circus.  Well, maybe a very boring one. No trapeze, no jugglers, only people sitting in chairs. Well, no lack of clowns. Maybe he relates to the tormenting of other elephants, isolated from family and friends, forced to perform tricks. Perhaps he foresees himself rooming with Mr. Cosby if this goes far enough.

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