Monday, November 20, 2017

peas porridge cold

Regarding the moral outrage now seething in the Senate, I'd like to know what has positioned that August body to resent rubbing shoulders with sexual deviates. I recall this being the crowd that sat on their hands while the Iraq horror was cooked up and delivered; the same club that presided over Viet Nam, the host of the McCarthy era, etcetera, we could take it all the way back to extermination of the Indians. Would that senators confine their sins to sexual deviancy and do their job with a modicum of decency.

If Alabama voters, never renowned for their great choices, want a pedophilic sexual predator to represent them, then that's what they should have. Hell – look at the g-damn President. Furthermore, maybe Ray Moore doesn't fill that bill anymore. Considering his trademark religious fervor, the man's probably been trying hard to reform and get right with God. Who knows? He might even become someone who will vote against war. Remember Robert Byrd?

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