Wednesday, October 04, 2017

continued from previous episode -

And then the line went dead and suppose he got mulling over that last call and as the plane approached Japan a greater allegiance started disturbing him – an allegiance to all of mankind, an allegiance to his parents who raised him to be kind. An allegiance to God who surely had not sanctioned such horror borne into the sky and who likely would damn him to Hell for releasing it. Maybe he would get thinking about the insidious insanity of war and how, once begun it is infectious, leading more and more people into insane, immoral acts. And suppose he realizes that if dropping this bomb on these people is what it takes to reach a goal, then that goal must not be reached. And then he knows that no president and no government has the right to ask any one man to wipe out a city of families.”
“But didn't that end the war and save lots of Americans?” Doreen Rampi asked.
“If we're trading the lives of Japanese civilians for American soldiers, then shouldn't the man making that decision be the one to do it? Wouldn't that be the manly way? If Harry Truman thinks... be continued

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