Tuesday, February 21, 2017

On Trumpelstiltskin - It's always seemed that everything we hear from the powers that be, we hear because we're supposed to hear it. Thinking that the influential believe the rabble should be truthfully informed is, as Spock would say, illogical.  The media is  less entertainment and information than a conduit into the brains of the "consumers" to keep them enthralled.  If this is the case, then Trump intentionally makes provably incorrect remarks that we will become apprised of through the various means.   I'm pretty sure he's playing the role of  dumass.  In retrospect it seems similar to George Bush who is eerily more articulate now that it doesn't matter.   Why we're supposed to perceive Trump that way, besides the distraction factor, who knows.  And she's not telling.   But it can't be good. And as long as we keep buying into the hilarity of it all, the less likely we are to figure it out.

Monday, February 20, 2017

knockout punch telegraphed

In case anybody would like to do something to stop it, organized forces of destruction are zeroing in on S. Volusia County (New Smyrna, Edgewater) with of course full complicity of  government entities.  This at a time when we need every tree we can get.  Me, I surrender.  Insanity wins.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

accepting responsibility

We have a choice these days concerning the president. We can scorn and deride him, as it is fashionable to do, pile on and flail away at his idiosyncrasies; or we can recognize that this nation and populace selected to represent us a man frozen socially at the age of twelve; a man who never hid the fact that he is at a loss to interact with people within the accepted norms. Now, unbelievably beyond his level of competence, he is struggling somehow to acquit himself in the company of Washington through Obama. We the people, enabled by democracy, did this to him. As a righteous, just and compassionate crowd we should respect his effort and champion him against all detractors. Not my president? You don't get to say that in a democracy. That's what some people would call being in denial. He's a dufus but by God he's our dufus. Let's show the love.

Monday, February 06, 2017

Up, Up and Away

Sure, Lady Gaga's pretty good but I'm hoping all patriotic Americans, not just New Englanders, are on board with the Mars program, especially after viewing The Martian. Who needs Earth anyway?  This is our true manifest destiny.  The Indians were small potatoes.  In fact there probably was one named Small Potatoes.  Never got 'em out of Cleveland but who wants to live there anyway? Yep, for mazillions of moon years New Englanders have been hopscotching across the galaxy defeating native football teams, telling everybody how they do it up Nawth and developing the requisite technology and social hysteria to spread our seed in the form of Dick Cheney and Laura Bush just as the last ounce of air is sucked from the respective football. So what if there's still a little oil left.  Why try to resuscitate week old roadkill?  It's time to move on everybody. My only reservation is the choice of our next planet. It looks like we've already been to Mars.

Sunday, February 05, 2017

While signing and selling my unusually excellent books this summer, I met a former state department slave, currently with the Asia Institute, very fine fellow who has rebelled against the disingenuousness of it all and written a book well worth reading. He very clearly makes our case. It's available by all electronic means: Get The Sustenance of Words by Daniel Garrett.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

a post Apocalypstick observation

Christians have been offered a choice of role models. The kindly disposed embrace Jesus while the rest lean toward God. As Leo Durocher once pointed out, “Nice guys finish last.”