Monday, December 05, 2016

Epiphanizing to Grieg's A minor piano concerto

Women have babies, men get to have epiphanies, we all get to have opinions.  Having experienced Republican anger since the advent of our second Irish president, O'bama and now seeing it from opponents of Trump, I realized it's not so much ideology that makes a sorehead but location on the losing side. I thought it must require a particularly inspiring candidate to arouse such emotion. That felt like a minor epiphany but the real one came as I looked at an issue of Saturday Evening Post featuring a Rockwell of  husband berating wife because her man Truman had beaten his Dewey.

Apparently this is a regular part of the democratic process. Not only regular but one of the key elements to its survival and the most exquisite protection for the government. Instead of directing our feelings toward the elected villain, who lives beyond our reach, we take it out on each other. All the indignation stays right here at ground level circulating amongst the rabble while the elected look upon the beauty of it, as an institution untouchable, realizing we'll blame each other for the wrongs they commit.  Separated into opposing teams and dehumanized into categories of liberal and conservative, right and left, better yet blue and red granting a geographical affiliation, our fellow voters who merely have exercised their democratic obligation, present an easy target for half a nation's anger at having to submit to their will.

Laboring under the delusion that we choose our rulers and the whopper that they are in place to serve us, we are thus prepared to war, killing not the instigators but their innocent chattel, the inhuman Japs, Krauts, Gooks and Towel Heads- people like us whom we perceive  possessed of a different outlook. Now that's synergy.

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