Interview with Marco Robio who
said right out in public where people could hear him...
“I thank God all the time that George
Bush was president on 9/11, not Al Gore.”
Mr. Robio, how do
you know God rigged the 2000 election?
“Barak O'Bama
knows exactly what he's doing.”
Why do you assume
God hates America?
“Barak O'bama
wants to make America like every place else.”
You have stated
that you “thank God all the time that George Bush was president.”
Are you thanking him right now? Does this explain your frequent
absence from Senatorial duties?
“Thank this,
Barak O'Bama.”
How are you able to
accomplish this feat of mental stamina? Do you have a way of
putting your brain on repeat mode, like a phonograph needle?
"Barak O'Bama knows
exactly what I'm doing.”
Is this why you
have nothing interesting to say, because all you do is thank God
that George Bush was president on 9/11?
“Thank God for
all the Bushes, every one.”
Do you have a way
of dividing up your brain so that you can be thanking God for George
Bush while also thinking other inane things?
“Yes. I am a man
of many brains.”
When you thank God
that Al Gore was not president, do you consider that a separate
“Thank God for
Why are you
grateful to God for making sure Al Gore was not president on that
fateful day? Are you afraid Al Gore would have ignored briefings
predicting an imminent attack by his brother Al Qaeda flying planes
into the Trade Center and then after that happened, would have done
something incredibly stupid like unleashing retribution on the wrong country,
causing the deaths of many more Americans than died in the attack,
and the Middle East chaos we see today?
Considering how
it's all turned out, don't you think you're thanking the wrong god?
It seems more like something Allah would arrange.
“Allah, I need
some water. Where'd the oasis go?”