Wednesday, November 07, 2018

the system at werk

The Florida electorate really knows how to shake things up. Here's some typical dinner table talk:

“Congressman Ron Desantis is a real asshole.”
“Yup. Smell 'im a mile away.”
“You know it. That there's the authentic article.”
“You betcha.”
“Let's make him guv'ner.”
“And while we're at it, the guv'ner we got now's a real ding-dong.”
Heads start nodding in consideration. “Yup. No doubt about it. Whyn't we make him Senitter?
“Cuz he ain't no career politician.”

Like Dylan said, “The time's they are a–changing.”
Changing diapers.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

post election trauma

So now we've got Governor  Asshole and Senator Shit-for-Brains. Thank God for Republicans.