Monday, September 24, 2018

making lemmingade from lemmings

Shake we not our heads derisively at the stupid lemming following his fellows over the cliff; for here we come.

Monday, September 03, 2018

The best they can do

The two-party system works only when both parties offer satisfactory candidates who elevate each other beyond the low bar of their rhetoric. In Florida the GOP has forfeited this responsibility. When Republicans can win no matter whom they nominate, it seems they'll nominate just about anybody. It's more about getting their adherents to the polls than presenting a candidate who will be good for the state. As of the current gubernatorial contest, any Florida voter still proud to be a Republican has a mighty high threshold of shame.

I sell fishing stories to Florida Sportsman Magazine but if I were writing speeches for Andrew Gillum, he'd open the first debate like this:
“ I have striven, as most people, to educate myself, gain valuable experience and to be the best person I can be. I am ready now to make my case to represent Floridians as their governor. It is with a sense of the surreal that I am here to debate a man who parades ignorance as a virtue to be carried into that office. All I can do this evening is demonstrate as clearly as I can, the difference. “