Monday, July 31, 2017

riddle of the week

Where does Donald Trump get his info?


The Liebrary

Of course congress has its own branch

Saturday, July 22, 2017

blowers in the wind revisited

When humans wish to demonstrate that their species alone can boast true intelligence, they must be very selective about the evidence they present. What works for me is the human capacity for operating a “blower” to clear leaves and dirt from pavement. Even more compelling is the human capacity to pay someone else to do it. Perhaps they never have heard about our friends “wind” and “rain” who humbly perform the task with neither clamor nor pollution. Maybe they are unfamiliar also with “brooms”.

With fallen leaves and bits of dirt Mother nature casually decorates the asphalt zones defending our feet against contact with earth. This is an offense. But instead of Varoom why not a broom?

The broom simply is not a stupid enough solution to their neurosis. One may ask why can't some transient dirt and leaves lay upon the paving? And why must the space support for all time no sign of the organic? Apparently it is in the human brain that nature once vanquished shall remain vanquished. She may mount no comeback however pitiful and ineffectual.

There you have it. At any time of the day you may hear a man with a blower moving leaves off pavement as wind blows them back. Just yesterday I witnessed a man blowing leaves off a public highway. No other animal is interested in this project.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Pee is for Public

I just ran into an old pal I haven't seen in awhile, turns out governor Baldo stuck him on the St. Johns River Water Mismanagement District board. Not a favorable reflection on him. He confirmed that there is a plan afoot to put treated sewage in Orlando taps. He also gave me a preview of the bullshit they'll try to justify it with: better for the aquifer, all that usual posturing as an environmentally friendly organization. That's what they'll be presenting to you. But, as I got him to admit, they're doing it only to justify more building, more destruction of what nature is still perilously hanging on, more money for the fatcats at the expense of us and Florida. 

The official mission statement of this government agency, after all, is to “find water for development.” The sewage we drink and bathe in will be just that - “found water.” Apparently they are being constrained from further abusing the aquifer so it's time to recycle so they can continue abusing Central Florida. Very simply, in order to get more people squeezed in here, we have to drink out of the toilet. I pointed out that it would be more respectful to leave our water alone and hook up the new lines with the treated sewage. 

At present they still are studying ways to do it and ways to present it in a favorable light to the public. If anybody cares, now would be a good time to start expressing dissent. Treated water in our houses doesn't mean saving the aquifer. It means more traffic, more pollution and overall degraded quality of life. You know. The usual goals of our representatives.