Tuesday, April 28, 2020

I'm curious if the stimulus check, purported to aid the rabble, is anything other than another bank bailout funneled through the rabble since much of it will be either deposited in a bank or pay a mortgage. Am I missing something here?

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

In an incident peculiar to the time, I'm at Thomas Lumber because I now have ample time to work on the porch. I'm in the big lumber barn getting some tongue-and-groove and a guy backs his diesel truck to where the exhaust is pouring out right where I'm standing. He leaves the truck running as he gets out and goes about his business wearing his health mask.
This is the human and this is why he is doomed.

What a strange place is the dream world, though not stranger than this one that gives birth to it. This morning I was dreaming I had a pearl necklace and donald Trump demanded to know whence came the pearls. I said they were taken from another necklace to make this one. He wouldn't believe it, said no way, that can't be done. Then we were trying to talk over each other, him saying it's impossible, me saying I saw them do it. Had the phone not rung, I never would have remembered this episode. And because the phone rang in this world, it remains unresolved in that one.